09 September 2009

Obnoxious little heckler boy

Despite the fact, that certain elements of the Republican Party have been mining for a bottom ever since Barak Obama was inaugurated President, a new low in the American political discourse has been reached earlier today, when Joe Wilson a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representative (2nd District, South Carolina) shouts out to taunt and interrupt the President during his address to the Joint Session of Congress, in fact calling him a liar. Obviously the guy is a nimrod, since quick perusal of the document in question would have revealed, that the President in fact was correct, yet the lack of civility is astonishing. But that is not the end of it…
Little heckler boy Joe Wilson
Now, as Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) readily pointed out, Barak Obama "is a big boy", who can take silly stuff like this, and in fact the President just gave Wilson a quick stink-eye and moved on. This could also be easily dismissed as just another manifestation of the belligerent heckling, that all things democratic get these days from the right-wingnuts.

However, this was not an incident at some county fair in the sticks of the Deep South, no, this was in legislative chambers in D.C., giving it a different quality altogether.
What really makes this so appalling, is the fact it coming from one of the same guys who – during the previous administration – incessantly and loudly demanded “respect for the office [of the President]” at any and all times. Even when somebody raised the most  timid – and heavens beware, legitimate – question or criticism. At the same time this country had a government for eight years that immediately and aggressively labeled anybody not willing to  goose-step with bowed head and cap in hand behind their ideas as "un-American".  The petty little boys that run the Party of Lincoln these days have some serious growing up to do!

Update: Apparently many citizens of this country are entirely not happy with Hecklejoe's behavior. His official website at http://www.joewilson.house.gov/ was taken "down for maintenance" only a few ours after his solipsistic and sophomoric outbreak.

Update: Creep boy apologizes. Sort of... "I was contacted by the [Republican] leadership and told that my comments were inappropriate. They suggested that I called the White House to apologize and I did." He needed the leadership to tell him that?

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