12 September 2015

Warum eigentlich Deutschland?

Nun kann man ja durchaus, von gutem Willen und Mitleid getrieben, rufen: "Macht hoch die Tür, macht voll das Land" und alle Flüchtlinge die da anbranden reinlassen.
Migranten in Ungarn unmittelbar vor der Ausreise nach D und A
Was mich allerdings extrem erstaunt ist der Umstand, dass Medien, Politik und bürgerliche Vordenker fahrlässig übersehen, oder - schlimmer - vorsätzlich ignorieren, wie die wohlhabenden muslimischen Staaten, Saudi Arabien et al zero Flüchtingsaufnahme betreiben ihre Glaubesgenossen wortlos verrecken lassen, während unsere EU-Genossen - vielleicht mit Ausnahme der Ösis - nachts pfeifend durch den Wald schleichen und die Grenzpfosten festbetonieren. Die United States schließlich - sicher ursächlich an der aktuellen Instabilität im Nahen Osten beteiligt - nehmen in diesem Jahr 500 (nein nicht -tausend, fünfhundert) Flüchtlinge auf. Fürs nächste Jahr sind großzügig 2000 geplant. Würden sie proportional soviele ins Land holen wie Bundesreplik, wären das allein in diesem Jahr 3.600.000!

Ich bin ja nu weit wech', aber so aus der Ferne komme ich absolut nicht dahinter, warum dieses ganze Elend zu 98% an der Bundesrepublik D hängenbleibt; hängen bleiben soll? Sind wir so komplett nazi guilt-tripped bis in die 12te Generation, das wir überhaupt nicht mehr geradestehen können und zumindest darauf bestehen, dass unsere NATO-Verbündeten und EUnionsbrüder ebenfalls ein Teil dieser Last schultern?

Und nur am Rande: Sieht man vom Wohlfühlmultikultigeschwurbel der Bildungsbürger ab, hat Deutschland wie kaum ein anderes bei der Ausländerintegration versagt. Es ist ja nicht einmal gelungen die freiwillig und vorsätzlich ins Land geholten Türken (gemäßigte Muslims) zu überzeugten und (bereit)willigen Deutschen zu machen. Wie soll das dann bei den hochgradig soziokulturell retardierten Leuten funktionieren, die jetzt ins Land streben und in ein paar Monaten dann fordern, dass hier kein Nacktbadestrand mehr ist und dort keine Disse aufspielt.

Deutschland ist schon einige Zeit dabei sich als freiheitliches Land abzuschaffen. Die Bestrebungen kommen von rechts (Sicherheits- und Überwachungsstaat) und von links (Political Correctness, Sprachpolizei und Genderismus). Ich befürchte wir haben nun gerade auch damit angefangen, uns als säkulare Gesellschaft zu demontieren. Karl Doemens schrieb heute im Kölner Stadtanzeiger einen weitgehend nutzlosen einerseits-andererseits Kommentar. Sein Fazit ist allerdings von brillianter Klarheit: "Kanzlerin Merkel behandelt das Jahrhundertthema eher wie eine administrative Aufgabe, die man mit flexiblen Wärmedämmungsvorschriften lösen kann. Und das liberale Bürgertum freut sich an seiner Lichterkette vor der Altbauwohnung. In den mittleren und unteren Etagen der Gesellschaft aber wachsen begründete oder unbegründete Ängste. Wenn aus Gründen der politischen Korrektheit nicht offen über Chancen und Lasten der Migration gesprochen wird, haben die rechten Demagogen ein leichtes Spiel. Dann könnte es duster werden."

Doemens vollständiger Kommentar steht hier: http://www.ksta.de/…/kommentar-zur-fluechtlingswelle--das-u…

Finger twiddling all around

GW Bush burbled a lot about "the coalition of the willing" to prosecute what essentially were his private wars. But where are the leaders of that coalition now, at a time when it would worthwhile to actually go to war not necessarily - with - but in Syria? If only to protect the population of that country that is slowly ground to dust between the forces of ISIS, al-Assad and a motley crew of militias.

Clinton showed how this can be done in the Yugoslavia (et al) conflict and the need was not nearly as great as it is now. A lot more people are dying and getting displaced right now. Britain, the US and Australia seem totally content to let Germany absorb the brunt of this exodus w/o so much of batting an eye. And the rest of the Europeans are cowering not daring to say a peep about intervention.

Wo der NDR sich undercover einschleichen kann,
kommt ISIS/ISIL schon lange rein

NDR-Reporterin Aline Jabarine
Dass die Flüchtlings-Aufnahmelager in Deutschland kein Spaß sind war klar, dafür braucht es keine Undercover Reportage des Norddeutschen Rundfunks
Lustig hingegen ist an dieser Aktion und dem weinerlichen Stück von Frau Jabarine jedoch, dass sie sicherlich unfreiwillig den Beweis angetreten ist, wie einfach es für Terrorgruppen ist, Operatives via des offensichtlich vollkommen unüberprüften Flüchtlingsstrom ins Land zu bringen.

Undercover im Flüchtlingsheim

Gefühl ohne Verstand ist nur Dummheit (frei nach Egon Bahr)

Ich finde meine Werte nur selten auf dem konservativen Blog "Die Achse des Guten" vertreten, aber Antje Sievers trifft heute mitten ins Schwarze:

"Dass Rassismus unter Asylbewerbern ein Grund für die vielen Gewalttätigkeiten ist, ist nichts, was in den Medien thematisiert werden darf. Es sollen um Himmels Willen keine Zweifel an der problemlosen Integrationsfähigkeit der neuen Bundesbürger aufkommen. [...]
Im reichen Saudi-Arabien weigert man sich vehement, Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen, und zwar wegen unüberwindbarer kultureller Unterschiede (!). [...]
Was man hier nicht hören will, ist, dass in muslimischen Ländern sozialisierte Menschen wirklich völlig anders ticken, als man es im Multikulti-Glücksbärchi-Land gern hätte. Es kann aber nicht sein, dass man diesen Umstand heute nicht einmal mehr thematisieren darf, ohne gleich die Nazi-Keule über den Schädel zu kriegen".

Saudia Arabia hates their refugee brothers
but wants to build mosques in Germany

Just a little footnote on the fact that Saudi Arabia is not taking a single muslim refugee, but is pushing to build 200 mosques for them in Germany: 
 "...the title greatest “purveyors of radical Islam” does not belong to the Iranians. Not even close. That belongs to our putative ally Saudi Arabia." (Thomas Friedman in the NYT: Our Radical Islamic BFF)

Jammern auf hohem Niveau

Nun sind verstopfte Waschbecken sicher nicht der Idealzustand. Und krakeelende Salafisten erst recht nicht. Aber was haben diese Lagerbewohner denn erwartet? Drei-Zimmer-Wohnung mit Elbblick??? 

Szenenfoto: Hessischer Rundfung -  Hessenschaue
Immerhin sind sie in D., mit aussreichend Nahrung, selbst wenn sie dafür zwei Stunden anstehen müssen, ist ja nicht so, das nach der Mittagspause schnell zurück auf Arbeit müssen. Zudem auf trockenem Land statt in lecken Seelenverkäufern und ohne mörderische Terroristen (dem ISIS Gebrüll zum Trotz) sowie anderer Krieger und Fieslinge die ihnen nach dem Leben trachten. Dieses Schicksal droht eher ihren Eltern, Frauen, Schwestern und Kindern, die nur in den seltensten Fällen mit nach Deutschland kommen. Die überwältigende Mehrheit der Flüchtlinge sind junge, männliche Erwachsene.

Gleichwohl: Klar ist "Flüchtling" ein mieses Dasein. Vielleicht sogar noch für ein oder zwei weitere Jahre. Die deutsche Sozialinfrastruktur hatte ja auch nicht für diesen Ansturm geplant. Wie auch? Die implizierte Unterstellung der moralisch hochwertigen Hessenschau-Reporter, dass hier ein Regierungsversagen vorliegt ist unanständig. 

Um bei dem Beispiel mit dem Waschbecken zu bleiben: In 95% aller Fälle ist die Ursache eines verstopften Waschbeckens der Geruchsverschluß (das U-Rohr unter dem Becken). Warum erwarten diese kräftigen und nicht gerade überbeschäftigten jungen Männer, das ein deutscher Klempner kommt und das Problem für sie löst, statt das mal eben zack-zack selbst zu machen? "Abflussfrei", ein Pümple oder ggf. eine Rohrzange sollten doch wohl in so einer Wohnanlage auftreiben lassen?!? Falls dieses Verhalten ein Indiz für die persönliche Initiative und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten dieser Männer ist, freue ich mich schon auf ihre nahtlose Eingliederung in die deutsche Gesellschaft.

Off with their heads!

Ignoble, ignominous and abominable.

Slate Mag concludes that "Southern California is the New Deep South for the Death Penalty" and the at the center of it all is retardo San Bernardino County.

Modern Highway Robbery -- Short term lending in the US

I was about to skip forward through one of those "Cash in your hands. Tomorrow!" ads that cluster densly in late night programming targeting the pour shlumps who can't sleep worried sick over money, when a figure caught my eye: 288%. 288% as in annual percentage interest rate for a loan! I thought I was surely mistaken. This must read 28.8% more in line with the - already outrageous - credit card interest rates.

I paused the program, got my camera and took a picture. Though grainy, there it was: 288%.

I gulped and paused, shook my head and went on with the program. Yet, this bugged me sufficiently to actually go the website of ThinkCash.com, the advertiser in question. The home page shows a slide show of young attractive people raising their arms as to to embrace a new morning, the caption screams: "We provide access to short term loans to cuver life's unexpected events." and goes on to say "Now there's a new way to pay bills, avoid bounced checks, and catch up on life's expenses. Get from $250 up to $2500 with no paperwork and no hassle*. Apply now and join thousands of customers that count on ThinkCash for their cash needs. *No paperwork, no lines, no hassles. * Convenient payment options *A loan is just clicks away"

However, in faint gray type at the bottom of the same page it reads (presented as a graphic on the page, rather then text to apparently thwart copying) "The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for a loan of $1000.- is 219.4% with 30 bi-weekly payments of $92.53". So by the time poor shlump is done he has forked over $2775.90 for an intitial hand out of $ 1000.-. And the way this is set up, it will more likely then not take the full term to give the money back. All of a sudden Rudy the Rat, friendly neighborhood loan shark does not look bad at all.

Further disclosure on the "Loan Cost & Terms" page explains "The cost of your loan is based on the size of the loan you are approved for. It ranges from $0.92 per day per $100 borrowed (334% APR) for small, short-term loans down to $0.24 per day per $100 borrowed (87% APR) for larger, longer-term loans for customers with successful payment histories or higher credit scores. While these rates are lower than the rates charged by many other short term lenders, they are higher than some other forms of credit, so we encourage you to pay off your loan as quickly as possible."

334% APR! I do not understand how that can be legal. Yet apparently, as - the note states - "...these rates are lower than the rates charged by many other short term lenders..." in other words, it is legal in the US to squeeze borrowers even harder.

05 April 2014

All Aircrash Disaster All The Time

I have been around long enough to see some strange shenaningans in the news media. From a newsroom that had model-coffin on the shelf with the image of a celeb that could be slipped in- and out in stages to document how "dead" that person currently was (after an ultimately fatal car crash) to the intern who slipped a doctored pic of Stevie Wonder and a German politician into copy that actually went to print and had a caption that read: "I hate prejudice and n------ at the bar!" 

Yet the strangest thing I have ever witnessed is the transformation of CNN from a news(y) organization to the Air Disaster Channel. Since Malaysia MH370 went into the drink four weeks ago the cable news outfit has essentially programmed nothing but speculation, rumination, insinuation and simulation of what might or might not have happened to that flight. Mixed in with the usual human drama with video of flailing relatives of the people lost and insipid interviews with far flung humanity ranging from the neighbors of the pilots to distant cousins of the dead. None of whom have anything of substance or relevance to contribute to the matter.

Let's not forget the implied slandering of the pilots. A rote "Thank you and Good Night" that is uttered by thousands of airmen when the sign off one flight sector an on to the next, becomes an hint of suicidal thought in the cockpit crew. The fact that the co-pilot had "only" 2700 flight hours (that translates to about two years of flight duty and is totally normal for a young co-pilot who has just line-checked on a new "type" [aircraft]. This is how it is done all over the world) creates a suspicion of incompetence. The fact the Captain had built himself a home-flight-simulator remains an indicator of nefarious conspiracy long after all questions about his motives have been answered. Sure, lets stir that toxic brew of half- and mis-information again, and again, and again to gin up the ratings.

Kyra Phillips
And the bullshit machine isn't just run by the usual suspects like Kyra "I'm appalled and offended" Phillips, Jake "I used to be a serious newsman" Tapper, Wolf "double take" Blitzer, Erin "little rodent" Burnett and Anderson "Upper East Side" Cooper. No, every anchor is being pressed into disaster-duty. It is sadly comical to see these other guys and gals stumble through interviews and prompter-copy that is either way far out of their news-beat or just above their pay-grade (and competency) The domestic crew is so incompetent that the always smart and way-too-realistic for US-tastes Richard Quest has been brought in from London and management snatched back aerospace-expert Miles O'Brien who was fired in favor of "human interest"-fluffers and resident assclowns like Phillips, Burnett, Don Lemon and Carol Costello (etc pp)

Even more comical is the use of "reporters" (many of whom have thin journalistic credentials to begin with) in the service of keeping the disaster bubbling like fresh lava: There is neurosurgeon Dr. Sanya Gupta blathering on and on and on about brain aneurisms and poisoning the airmen might have suffered. The same guy ruminating about the emotional state of relatives of the victims. One of my favorites is "severe weather expert" Chad Myers incessantly pushing around colored triangles and rectangles over maps of the Indian Ocean saying absolutely nothing about the "search area" but with great conviction.

At the same time my heart goes out to actual reporters like poor Martin Savidge who was dispatched to a privately owned, professional, for-rent 777-simulator in Ontario, Canada where he has been marooned on the co-pilots seat shoulder-to-shoulder with a semi-washed grumpy "flight instructor" (the true credentials of this shlup were never really explained), flying and re-flying every conceivable route MH370 could have possibly taken. With some courses in navigation and meteorology he can probably get his CPL before this clown-show is over.

While all this unfolds, the rest of the world is forgotten. The Crimea-Crisis that had been played up by CNN as the return of the Cold War and a potential pre-cursor to a shooting war, not worth a blip anymore. The "horrors" of Obamacare? Ah well, who cares anyway! Only if another nut-job soldier offs some of his own that gets a little coverage. Just as loud and sensational and thin on substance as the flight stuff.

Jeff Zucker
President, CNN WorldWide
I get it: Cable News is in crisis and CNN has seen its rating fall through the floor opposite partisan gab-fests on Fox News and MSNBC that have mostly abandoned the concept of "news" and opted for "commentary" on vastly different levels of quality. In this environment CNN is lost, as are the people who were pushing for news inside the organization instead of fluff. Fluff won. Yet, hiring Jeff Zucker, former entertainment monkey at NBC and one of the shallowest, dumbest and most cynical TV executives the industry has seen, might yet prove to be CNN's undoing.

CNN was my window into the US and to a degree the world when I still lived in Germany. Even later it guided me through seminal events like the Challengers and Columbia space shuttle disasters, the raid on Baghdad, the Waco siege and other seminal moments. Sadly, I am done with them!

02 April 2014

Avoiding death at all, literally all cost!

There is this concept, that no price is too high to save a life. Aside from being a sentimental lie, it is impossible to make it real.

There is also this strong belief in the US that all risk in life can be and has to be eliminated. Which is total crap.

When these two brain farts meet, you get the "Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act" that will require rear-view cameras on all new cars. These systems will cost the car buying public in the US about $400 Million (roughly $ 250 apiece) a year to prevent - wait - 210, yes twohundredandten fatalities a year.

That is 1.9 Million per death, assuming that everybody will be saved and distracted, careless or harried drivers will not keep running over people while backing up and backing out (they will!)

So, toxic emission from coal-burning kill about 12 Mio (!) Americans, but because these deaths are accumulate and occur from related illness (can't see the immediate cause, don't care - like climate change) it is ok for the energy industries to carry on, but if we have 210 deaths that can be decorated with crying parents it is desirable to gouge the population (especially since it brings in another 80 buck of profit per car for the makers).

Yeah, that totally makes sense!

30 October 2009

Halloween Candy Possessed by Demons (according to CBN.com network)

Religulousness taken to its absurd extreme:

Preacher Pat Robertsons CBN.com network claims most Halloween candy has been demonized by witches. And no, they were not joking.

CBN.com staff writer Kimberly Daniels verbatim: "THE DANGERS OF CELEBRATING HALLOWEEN --- Most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches, I do not buy candy during the Halloween season. Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference.
Halloween is much more than a holiday filled with fun and tricks or treats, it is a time for the gathering of evil that masquerades behind the fictitious characters of Dracula, werewolves, mummies and witches on brooms. The truth is that these demons that have been presented as scary cartoons actually exist. I have prayed for witches who are addicted to drinking blood and howling at the moon".

Be warned thusly: Eat to much candy and you start howling at the moon and drinking blood. Alternatively you can become a clinically paranound Christian nut job!

11 September 2009

Advertising Gone Wild :: Cool actually!

Los Angeles sort of inoculates one against awe. Yet, once in a while you see something just remarkable. I just had my jaw drop, when I plucked the current issue of Entertainment Weekly from the mailbox. The magazine was a little stiff and though “yeah another stinkvertisement  or a promo CD. Yet, when I opened it a the fold I saw this 
and had my mind blown: A fully functional videoplayer sandwiched into a magazine.The actual picture- and audio-quality was stunningly good: A 2.5" (6.35cm) clean and crisp video screen and a 1.5" (~ 4 cm) not-to-tinny speaker. The whole package not even 5mm <1/4" thick.

The entire contraption presented as a double-page spread:


promoting the CBS-TV Fall 2009 season and Pepsi Max (Slogan: The only diet cola for men).  In total it contains about a half hour of previews and Pepsi ads suggesting a rather beefy memory chip.

This is marketing really taken to a completely different level. It is a stunning eye-catcher, but I can only imagine it comes at equally stunning cost. A quick check at a newsstand on Main Street, St. Monica revealed, that the over-the-counter copies of the magazine do not contain the player. Yet, I can actually not imagine that all ~ 700.000 subscription copies were so equipped, the cost would be plainly prohibitive. It is easy to see why:

A little destructive materials testing revealed this. A quite sophisti- cated setup that has the processor and memory under the shielding foil to the right of the screen. Five buttons with excellent tactile quality allow to select five indvidual video clips in additon to the auto-start message shown above. 

In the center of the page is the power switch that is triggered in conventional manner by a plastic tongue that pulls out when the left leaf is opened. Remarkably the device is equipped with a rather capable 350 mA/h rechargable Li-Ion battery (blue) and even a USB-recharging port (below the screen) that can be accessed through a punch-out flap in the back.

Let's assume all the hardware is sourced a bargain-basement prices in China. The screen will probably come in at about $ 5.-, battery $ 3.- processor, memory and miscellaneous parts another $ 5.- Add assembly (clearly a manual job), programming and printing for another $ 2.- the cost of the whole thingamajig is somewhere around $ 15.- and that is before the fee charged by Entertainment Weekly. 

That cost level suggests that the campaign is most likely limited to subscribers in certain target areas in Los Angeles and New York City where there is a perceived concentration of entertainment industry and media workers.

Will I now rush to my couch and watch and gush about such drivel as "Two and a half men", and "Accidentally on purpose" or the rather lame NCIS spin-off "NCIS Los Angeles"? Probably - make that definitively - not! Will I keep this thing, charge it and show it off as proof that I was there when advertisement jumped the shark? You betcha! 

Footnote: Given, that is is pretty much a deconstructed iPod in a cardboard sandwich you get a pretty good idea how much Apple is making on these things, even given a somewhat better screen, a nice aluminum housing and 16GB of memory ($20.-)

10 September 2009

Cheney cleans up

Dick Cheney doing some post-interrogation clean-up??? Just wondering...

09 September 2009

Obnoxious little heckler boy

Despite the fact, that certain elements of the Republican Party have been mining for a bottom ever since Barak Obama was inaugurated President, a new low in the American political discourse has been reached earlier today, when Joe Wilson a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representative (2nd District, South Carolina) shouts out to taunt and interrupt the President during his address to the Joint Session of Congress, in fact calling him a liar. Obviously the guy is a nimrod, since quick perusal of the document in question would have revealed, that the President in fact was correct, yet the lack of civility is astonishing. But that is not the end of it…
Little heckler boy Joe Wilson
Now, as Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) readily pointed out, Barak Obama "is a big boy", who can take silly stuff like this, and in fact the President just gave Wilson a quick stink-eye and moved on. This could also be easily dismissed as just another manifestation of the belligerent heckling, that all things democratic get these days from the right-wingnuts.

However, this was not an incident at some county fair in the sticks of the Deep South, no, this was in legislative chambers in D.C., giving it a different quality altogether.
What really makes this so appalling, is the fact it coming from one of the same guys who – during the previous administration – incessantly and loudly demanded “respect for the office [of the President]” at any and all times. Even when somebody raised the most  timid – and heavens beware, legitimate – question or criticism. At the same time this country had a government for eight years that immediately and aggressively labeled anybody not willing to  goose-step with bowed head and cap in hand behind their ideas as "un-American".  The petty little boys that run the Party of Lincoln these days have some serious growing up to do!

Update: Apparently many citizens of this country are entirely not happy with Hecklejoe's behavior. His official website at http://www.joewilson.house.gov/ was taken "down for maintenance" only a few ours after his solipsistic and sophomoric outbreak.

Update: Creep boy apologizes. Sort of... "I was contacted by the [Republican] leadership and told that my comments were inappropriate. They suggested that I called the White House to apologize and I did." He needed the leadership to tell him that?

01 September 2009

The beauty of disaster

With the "Station"-Fire now into its sixth day and no wind to speak of, the sky over Los Angeles is blanketed by a gossamer of smoke, creating a mesmerizing yet somewhat eerie spectrum of colors. 

Oldtimers tell me, that the smog ca. 1960 had a similar effect, but this is certainly very pronounced. Yet, while decidedly unhealthy to breathe, the smoke creates spectacular sunsets.

More pictures here.